At L.D. Arts College, we recognize the importance of addressing concerns and fostering an environment where every member of our collеgе community feels heard and supported. The Grievance Committee is essential for resolving grievances and guaranteeing an impartial and transparent resolution procedure.


The Grievance Committee operates with the following key objectives:

  • Fair Redressal:The primary goal is to provide a fair and impartial mechanism for addressing grievances raised by staff, faculty members or students.
  • Conflict Resolution:The committee is dedicated to resolving conflicts, misunderstandings, or disputes within the community through a structured and just process.
  • Enhancing Campus Environment: By addressing grievances promptly and fairly, the committee contributes to creating a positive and conducive campus environment for learning, working, and personal growth.

Roles and Responsibilities:

The roles and responsibilities of Grievance Committee includes:

  • Receiving Grievances: The students, faculty, or the staff members can submit the grievances to the committee. Grievances can pertain to academic matters, interpersonal issues, or any concerns affecting the college community.
  • Investigation:Thoroughly investigating the grievances brought forward, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the issues involved.
  • Conflict Resolution:Facilitating dialogue and mediation to resolve conflicts amicably and promote a harmonious collеgе environment
  • Recommendations:The Grievance Committee provides suggestions to the collеgе management based on the findings and resolutions proposed by the committee.
  • Policy Feedback:Offering insights and suggestions to the management for policy improvements or changes to prevent future generations
  • Maintaining Confidentiality: Maintaining the privacy of all parties participating in the grievance procedure to establish a safe and secure environment in which people can voice their concerns.
  • Timely Resolution:Striving for timely and efficient resolution of grievances to minimize disruptions and maintain a positive academic and working atmosphere.

The Grievance Committee at L.D. Arts College is committed to upholding fairness, transparency, and effective conflict resolution. We encourage all members of our collеgе to utilize this platform for expressing their concerns, knowing that the committee is dedicated to addressing grievances promptly and ensuring a supportive and thriving environment for all.

Grievance Redressal Committee Members
Dr. M.D. Chavda
Dr. N.P. Verma
Dr. Manojbhai Thakor
Dr. Vinod Meena
Dr. Jagruti Thummar