Guest Lecture on Environmental Economics

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The Department of Economics conducted a Guest Lecture on “Environmental Economics” on 19th September; 2024.

This lecture was delivered by Dr. Siddharth Thaker, a faculty of economics at the Shree Sahjanand Arts and Commerce College Ahmedabad.

Dr. Siddharth Thaker, a well-known Forest and Wildlife conservator is also associated with the 5 National Parks of South Africa. He has been associated with the conservation initiatives and ecological projects of the states of Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Gujarat.

The speaker deliberated upon the co-relation between Environmental Economics and Developmental Sustainability.

This lecture received an overwhelming response from both the faculty members as well as the student community. More than 120 students actively participated in the lecture which ended with an interactive Q &A session.

Report details:
Organizer: Department of Economics, L.D. Arts College
Speaker’s Name: Dr. Siddharth Thaker
Total Participants: 150 (inclusive of faculty members and students)

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