Faculty Development Programme on Exploring Infinities, Theories and Praxis of Social Science Research

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Name of Department: Statistics

Name of Activity/Event: Faculty Development Programme on Exploring Infinities; Theories and Praxis of Social Science Research

Date on which Activity/Event was conducted: 15th to 22nd September 2020.

Professor/(s) In-charge: Prof. G.P. Puranik

Place where the Activity was conducted: Online FDP

Details of the Activity

Amidst the challenges imposed by the pandemic, which confined individuals to their respective locations, sustaining academic activities became imperative. Recognizing the opportune moment when academicians and students could dedicate substantial time to research, the Statistics department of L.D. Arts College, in collaboration with Grand Academic Portal (GAP), orchestrated a Faculty Development Programme (FDP) titled “Exploring Infinities; Theories and Praxis of Social Science Research” from the 15th to the 22nd of September 2022.

The FDP aimed to cater to the needs of academicians across various disciplines, extending beyond Statistics. In a time where statistical research demanded a firm grasp of foundational statistical knowledge, research techniques, and tools, the FDP sought to bridge these gaps. The event unfolded in an online format, facilitating the participation of 64 individuals from diverse domains. The participants gleaned valuable insights from expert talks delivered by renowned resource persons, making the sessions highly interactive and engaging. Upon the successful completion of the FDP, participants were duly recognized with digital certificates.

Outcome of the Activity/Event: The impact of the FDP extended beyond the realm of Statistics, reaching participants from various disciplines. Beyond the statistical domain, participants gained exposure to essential research techniques, potentially serving as a motivational catalyst for their future research endeavors. The FDP successfully broadened the understanding of research methodologies, fostering a spirit of inquiry among participants, irrespective of their academic background. The issuance of digital certificates marked not just the end of the program but also the beginning of a newfound enthusiasm for research activities among the diverse group of participants

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