Name of Department: Economics
Name of Activity/Event: Educational visit
Date on which Activity/Event was conducted: 27th Dec 2022
Professor/(s) In-charge: Ila Bhola(HOD), Dr. Vinod Meena, Dr. Jagruti Thumar
Place where the Activity was conducted: Environmental Sanitation Institute, Sughad
Details of the Activity:
- A batch of 6th Semester 50th Student and three Professor visited this place
- This institute working since 1985 and organizing campaigns across India
- It is an NGO which tirelessly works in the field of water harvesting, recharging ground water, sanitation training, construction of public hygiene places and environmental awareness
Outcome of the Activity/Event:
- To learn groundwater management
- To understand the process and conservation of water harvesting system
- To development various life skills such as team building, time management and promote the necessity of social outreach programs.
“Water is life but Sanitation is a way of life”