Name of Department: Economics
Name of Activity/Event: Industrial visit
Date on which Activity/Event was conducted: 16th Feb, 2023
Professor/(s) In-charge: Ila Bhola(HOD), Dr. Vinod Meena, Dr. Jagruti Thumar
Place where the Activity was conducted: Amul Dairy & NDDB, Anand
Details of the Activity:
- A batch of 6th Semester 50th Student and three Professor visited this place
- The NDDB was Founded by Dr. Varghese kurien in 1965
- The coordinators at Amul dairy showed us a film about establishment of Amul cooperative society and then took us on tour of the dairy plant and we saw the making of milk powder and famous and most loved Amul butter. It was a magnificent experience.
- Then we headed to our last stop. Amul chocolate factory, we witnessed making of chocolate chips and almond.
Outcome of the Activity/Event:
- Amul is the largest milk cooperative society in the world and we learned how it operates so efficiently and for the good of the farmer for so many years now.
- At NDDB we got the Know so many things about many experiments and mission that are going on for improving the quality of live stock and to increase the milk productivity.